Wednesday, January 4, 2023

X4 Foundations HOTAS Layout for Thrustmaster T.16000M Hotus X4

 I still haven't had time to try this set-up (hope to tonight), but this is my current layout.  It's based almost entirely on this post by u/boosthungry: Thrustmaster T.16000M HOTUS X4 Button Layout

There are a couple of changes, but nothing major.  This layout made sense, based on my experience with Elite:Dangerous, and the fact that I could only find 2 posted online (The other one is by Captain Collins).  Both were very nice - but this one is a better fit for me.  It may need some tweaking, won't know until actually playing the game.  The default profile in-game already had pretty good flight controls for the stick, no need to re-do that part.

This is much simpler than the setup I used in Elite (see bottom image).  The comparison between the X4 layout, and the Elite Dangerous layout, shows exactly why I'm hoping to become good at X4, now that I can no longer remember all the Elite commands.  That layout uses the base controls, plus 2 different modifier keys, and that STILL didn't cover everything, especially when "space legs" came out.
Aside from that, some of those commands performed multiple actions, like my favorite settings for power distribution.  One command even brought up a graphic from another program as an overlay, to remind me when I had something toggled on or off.

All of those commands were tied to the Hotas by Voice Attack.  It wasn't neat and orderly, but got the job done.  It also had some voice activated commands, until my wife thought it was funny to say random things as she walked behind me, and see what effect it had on the ship.  After slamming full speed into the back wall of the space station, I removed the voice commands.

Those days are gone, Covid crippled my memory and slowed my comprehension speed.  I'm doing better, but not sure if it's ever going to be as good as pre-Covid. So... X4.  The things that require memory and reaction are, hopefully, within my ability.  The rest looks wonderfully complex and fun, but something I can figure out at leisure while playing.  That's why there's a "Pause" button programmed.

Considering the way Elite was heading last time I played, maybe it's for the best that I've switched to X4.

X4:Foundations Profile

My Elite: Dangerous profile:

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