Still a newbie. Very slow progress, but I've finally started playing, and looking for crystals. When I found the first one, I couldn't target it with a Hotas. Would have thought "Target Object" would target the closest object in the center of the screen (under the targeting dot). Instead, it keeps targeting random ships that aren't even ON the screen!!
I did what I always do, and started Googling. Found "T", that didn't help. I can manually click the crystals with the mouse, but that kind of spoils the whole "stick and throttle" thing. Found a forum conversation on Egosoft - a comment by Belgaroth:
I have a problem with targeting something directly ahead of me. If I'm flying towards a station and press my target button on my joystick, it will target anything and everything except the station. I haven't figured out why it does that. So, I created a command in Voice Attack that moves the mouse to the center of the screen and left-clicks to target what's dead ahead of me. So, instead of targeting a transport ship, civilian ship or even an asteroid that's on the other side of the station, it targets the station itself. I'll get that sorted out eventually, but the solution I came up with works pretty well.
First thought... this confirms that Voice Attack will work in X4:Foundations. Great news. I've only ever used it in Elite Dangerous. It seemed likely, but I haven't tested it, since X4 has pretty good Hotas support without the need for Voice Attack. It can't use modifiers, but the flight controls are far simpler than E:D was, so I haven't really needed more versatility. At least this confirms that it does work, if the time comes.
Next thought... this isn't a perfect solution, but it's an easy one. I'm just not sure it's worth running VA to play X4 for only one command. Kind of overkill. At the moment, I'm trying to decide if switching to mouse for precision targeting is a more viable option. It's kind of a toss-up, haven't decided yet.
At least now, I KNOW there's an option. Logged it here with the link and the quote in case I can't find it later and forget the option. Now it's in the (data) bank.
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