Wednesday, October 9, 2024

 I know, I don't stick with a single game any more, and rarely ever get deeply involved with any games.

Too many to play, not enough time to play, and Covid brain fog for the last three years has really put a crimp in my plans.

That's not going to change any time soon, but today, I wanted to post a couple of jpg images that will help me learn another game.  One that I might stick with for a while, if I can get the hang of it.  Better odds than usual, since this based on a game from the 1980's that I was addicted to for many years... Elite.  The original Elite, though I've played Elite Dangerous in the past as well.

This one's called Oolite, and it's a dedicated tribute to the glory of the original Elite.  I'm just beginning to set  the joystick controls up, and start learning the commands.  These are a map of my Thrustmaster T16000M stick and throttle, using the games built-in controller screen.

In a pinch, I can use Voice Attack for a far more sophisticated layout, but this seems to cover the main "stick" commands I want.  So attached here is my layout, plus the first page of the guide that comes with the game (which is totally free, by the way).  Between these two, I should have a quick reference to anything I may need.

 I know, I don't stick with a single game any more, and rarely ever get deeply involved with any games. Too many to play, not enough tim...