Saturday, June 24, 2023

Off Topic - Skyrim Leveler's Tower Floor Map

 This blog is pretty much abandoned for lack of time; X4 will have to wait until I have a lot of spare time to really learn it.

I do still play Skyrim, but don't bother to blog about it.  Nice thing about Skyrim is I can play anytime there's a bit of time available, and am comfortably familiar with how to play it.
I needed a public link to share this flowchart map of the Leveler's Tower mod floor plan, and this leftover blog was convenient.

There's a higher quality pdf, but blogger doesn't like pdf.  The jpg below works, and if you print it on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper, if you have decent eyesight it's big enough to read while playing.

Return to Elite Dangerous (T.16000M HOTAS Controls)

I can't settle on a single game these days.  The urge to return to Elite Dangerous is growing on me now.  Oolite was fun, but the more I...